Specializing in custom designs!

Vision Stylez LLC was created and started by Shakida Harvey (Kodi The Designer) in 2012. From earrings to distressed denim to beautiful custom designs. We specialize in custom wear, made perfectly for you. All custom pieces start at $150, a non-refundable deposit is required.
NO REFUNDS ON DEPOSITS! We do not copy other designers' work and can refer you directly to other designers. We will work with you to create your desired vision. All orders over $500 require a signed contract.
Prom season is a high-demand time of year so any order other than prom will not be placed due to our black-out months (January-June). We only travel when there are more than 5-10 orders booked in your area. We are located in Polk County, FL, and recommend clients come here for fittings. Consultations are virtual.

Standard shipping products normally take 2-5 days to arrive. If you want express shipping contact us.
Custom pieces are made to order so production time is about 2-3 week. Gown production is 2-3 months.